Day 19 – Last lecture at LSU

On Friday, we heard our very last lectures of the program at LSU. First, Dr. Chen held a fascinating speech about identifying entrepreneurial opportunities which originally was supposed to be a preparation for Start-up Weekend.

Afterwards, Fulbright participants Mischa and Rashad talked to the group about existing scholarship programs for stundents in Germany. Each of them presented his own scholarship and spoke about requirements and benefits of participating. In addition, Dominik and Agelika also gave insight into their special programs.

The last person to talk us to us was Kenneth Anderson. He is founder of 2 Guys & a Grill, a full service floating restaurant in in Northern Michigan’s Round Lake and acts as Executive Director at LSU’s Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute. Kenny was supposed to give multiple speeches during Start-Up Weekend to guide the participants. Thanks to Harald Leder, he agreed to sum up his lectures to us on Friday so we could know what we will be missing. To cheer us up, we were allowed to take a ‘Start-Up Weekend’ printed shirt as a souvenir.

In the afternoon, we came together with Haral Leder again to talk about how to spend the remaining time and how we liked the program so far. The rest of the day, we spent hanging out with our american buddies and preparing for the farewell.

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